
    Jean-Pierre Rampal, Orchestre National de France, Jean-Louis Beaumadier

    Vivaldi & Boismortier


    Tout comme les enregistrements que Jean-Pierre Rampal consacra à Vivaldi en tant que flûtiste, ce disque dans lequel il prend cette fois la baguette pour accompagner Jean-Louis Beaumadier dans les fameux concertos pour petite flûte du Prêtre Roux représente toujours, plus de 40 ans après sa parution, un classique indémodable de la discographie vivaldienne. Offrant en prime un inédit – en concert – réunissant tous les plus grands flûtistes issus de la fameuse classe de Joseph Rampal à Marseille, cette nouvelle réédition se dote d’une dimension historique aussi fascinante que peuvent l’être les interprétations gravées par celui qui fut piccolo solo de l’Orchestre National de France douze ans durant.

    Just as the recordings that Jean-Pierre Rampal dedicated to Vivaldi as a flutist, this album, in which he now takes up the baton to accompany Jean-Louis Beaumadier in the famed concertos for small flute by the Red Priest, stands as an evergreen classic of the Vivaldian discography, more than 40 years after its release. Offering as a bonus a previously unreleased live recording that unites all the greatest flutists from the renowned class of Joseph Rampal in Marseille, this new reissue takes on a historical dimension as captivating as the interpretations recorded by the one who served as piccolo soloist with the National Orchestra of France for twelve years.

    Autres informations

    1 Recorder Concerto in C Major, RV 443: I. Allegro

    2 Recorder Concerto in C Major, RV 443: II. Largo

    3 Recorder Concerto in C Major, RV 443: III. Allegro molto

    4 Recorder Concerto in A Minor, RV 445: I. Allegro

    5 Recorder Concerto in A Minor, RV 445: II. Larghetto

    6 Recorder Concerto in A Minor, RV 445: III. Allegro

    7 Recorder Concerto in C Major, RV 444: I. Allegro non molto

    8 Recorder Concerto in C Major, RV 444: II. Largo

    9 Recorder Concerto in C Major, RV 444: III. Allegro molto

    10Concerto in A Minor, RV 108: I.

    11 Concerto in A Minor, RV 108: II. Largo

    12 Concerto in A Minor, RV 108: III. Allegro

    13 Concerto for 2 Flutes in C Major, RV 533: I. Allegro

    14 Concerto for 2 Flutes in C Major, RV 533: II. Largo

    15 Concerto for 2 Flutes in C Major, RV 533: III. —

    16 Concerto in D Major, RV 428, Op. X n°3, "Il Gardellino": 1. Allegro

    17 Concerto in D Major, RV 428, Op. X n°3, "Il Gardellino": 2. Cantabile

    18 Concerto in D Major, RV 428, Op. X n°3, "Il Gardellino": 3. Allegro

    19 Recorder Concerto in C Minor, RV 441: I. Allegro non molto

    20 Recorder Concerto in C Minor, RV 441: II. Largo

    21 Recorder Concerto in C Minor, RV 441: III. Allegro

    22 6 Concertos for 5 Flutes, Op. 15 N°3 in D major : 1. Allegro

    23 6 Concertos for 5 Flutes, Op. 15 N°3 in D major : 2. Adagio

    24 6 Concertos for 5 Flutes, Op. 15 N°3 in D major : 3. Allegro


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